Sicuri di essere sicuri

Safetyone Engineering:
safety specialists at the workplace

Safety at work

Advice on health and safety in the workplace

Our services

Sicurezza cantieri

Safetyone is an important player among occupational safety companies that, over time, has gained experience on orders and projects of international importance, developing effective methods of analysis, optimization skills and problem solving. The application of these tools allows us to offer innovative services in line with market demands to all types of companies (from micro-enterprises to multinationals).

Protecting employers, optimizing safety management costs and providing an attentive, effective and punctual service have always been the key principles on which Safetyone has based its credibility.

The added value of advice in the field of safety at work is often perceived a posteriori, when a critical issue emerges or at the end of the day, after having calculated the direct and indirect costs of safety in your company.

Safetyone sicurezza nei cantieri

Since 1996 with the entry into force of the Construction Sites Directive (now Title IV of Legislative Decree 81/08), Safetyone has contributed to the safety management of important works: from the High Speed Construction Sites of the State Railways, to EXPO, to the Tangenziale Est Esterna of Milan (TEEM), to the construction of Amazon’s logistics hubs, holding important positions as Safety Coordinator during the Design and Execution phase,  of Works Manager and supervision of safety on construction sites and carrying out training activities for future CSPs and CSEs.
Many beautiful projects, many faces, many handshakes and the satisfaction of having always given their best, blindly believing in their work.

Even today, in times of pandemic and restructuring bonuses, the goal of our team is always the same: to simplify, establish priorities and be present in the field to ensure compliance with safety standards on site and protect Clients.

A not insignificant detail: for all CSP, CSE and RdL assignments (also in the context of restructuring interventions) Safetyone makes available the Safetyone Click web platform free of charge, an innovative tool that simplifies processes, helps companies and protects customers!

Safetyone Formazione sicurezza

Safetyone – an occupational safety consulting company – provides all types of online occupational safety courses, e-learning or classroom: from general training to specific worker training for all risk classes (low, medium and high).

In addition to safety courses for workers, Safetyone employs qualified teachers to provide first aid courses, fire prevention courses, courses for managers, courses in charge and training courses on specific risk factors including, by way of example: noise, vibration, ROA, EMF, legionella, biological, Covid-19, ATEX, confined spaces, PES / PAV, etc.

In addition, training courses for vehicles and equipment (forklift course, MEWP course, shovel course, excavators course, etc.) and for PPE of 3 ^ category (fall protection systems course, self-contained breathing apparatus course, gas masks course, chemical and biological protection course, FFP2 and FFP3 masks course, etc.).

In compliance with current legislation, currently many courses are offered online via web-conference platform, ensuring interactivity and high quality standards.

In addition to the services mentioned above, Safetyone provides companies and professionals with the online management platform Safetyone Click, an indispensable tool for the digitalization of safety at work.

In addition to the above services, Safetyone also offers companies and professionals the online management platform Safetyone Click, an indispensable tool for the digitalization of occupational safety.

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